
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Olive oil and Coconut oil

  I am not going to go into anything to scientific.  There are already a lot of areas on the internet that you can do research of how and why these oils function as they do.  I will just tell you about some of the great qualities that these oils have.  You can find this information for yourself if you just Google benefits of….olive oil or coconut oil or any of the ingredients you see listed on my soap labels.
When you meander  through our soap shop on Aunt B’s website, you will notice I typically let you know basics about the soap and ingredients.  I wish I could tell you all the benefits you can enjoy just by using the soap….but I would get in trouble for that.   As a soapmaker I’m not allowed to tell you that my soap can ease the symptoms of or resolve any skin issue….because it would actually turn the soap into something medicinal –which in the eyes of the FDA is a big no no. 
A well -known company that did this got into deep water with the FDA.  Diamond Foods made the claim of the health benefits of walnuts.  The FDA in turn sent Diamond Foods a letter letting them know that they could not make health claims about their product (walnuts)that were not approved by the FDA.  You can read the article here.
If you Google or even go to Pinterest and search for “benefits of …..”  you will have a boat load of information at your fingertips and you my friend will be a well -informed consumer.

Two oils that are commonly used in my soap recipes are olive oil and coconut oil.  Soap made with olive oil helps the skin to retain moisture.  Olive oil in soap also helps to repair damage done to the skin through sun exposure, pollution, smoke and an unhealthy diet.  There’s a lot more information but I was going to keep it simple.  Years ago coconut oil got a bad rap of being very unhealthy, but check it out there are some great benefits in consuming as well as using coconut oil in your body care routine as a moisturizer and conditioner.  Both olive oil and coconut oil have healing properties for skin issues.
I have barely scratched the surface of these two amazing oils....yet I hope I've left you curious enough that you will now dig a little deeper to discover these two oils on your own and that you will learn ways to integrate them into your health and skin routine.

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