As a homeschool mom, one thing I encourage my girls to do when they are interested in something is to do some research. We often head to the public library and check out arm loads of books on a topic or we learn from safe internet sites. The girls read and read until they understand and learn a treasure trove of information about their topic of interest.
Now it's your turn. You know that advertising jingle that asks-'what's in your wallet'? Here's something for you to think about-
'what's in your soap'?
If you are using store bought soap, check out the ingredients.....can you read them?....can you pronounce them?... do you know what they are?I would encourage you to do some research. One easy way to start is to simply do a search on the internet: Store bought soap vs Homemade soap. When you take a deeper look into the ingredients of store bought soap you will find there are some concerning ingredients that make up the commercial made soap. Even though these chemical ingredients are FDA approved we each need to decide if we really want these concerning items on our skin.
One of my goals this year for Aunt B's Simply Homemade is to help you learn about the amazing benefits of the ingredients that are used in homemade soap. Stay tuned for the next post as I explain the typical base oils we use in our soap and how they benefit your skin.

Truths from God's Word: Ecclesiastes 7:12 says...."the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor."
There are many ingredients in our food and body care products that are approved and said to be safe. Once we gain knowledge of how these ingredients can adversely affect our body we must make wise decisions about what we allow in and on our body.
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